How To Avoid Acne Vulgaris - All About Acne

 How To Avoid Acne Vulgaris
Picture of acne vulgaris
Picture of Acne Vulgaris

Acne vulgaris is caused by excess oil glands on the face, and then clogged and blackheads forming which will make the skin irritants. Causes will appear red pimples filled with pus. Acne as this will damage the skin tissue and when recovery will leave acne scars are difficult to treat. Acne tends to occur in people who have oily skin and a derivative of his family.
Acne vulgaris should be treated immediately because it can damage the skin tissue to leave permanent scars. The former may be either very small or even large. In addition, it can interfere with the appearance of acne so someone feel inferior and insecure. As a result he had a psychological disorder that must be addressed. As for how to prevent the occurrence of acne vulgaris is as follows:
First way to avoid acne vulgaris, make sure you wash your face twice a day using soap wash that suits your skin type. To avoid facial acne face wash containing soap scrub, because the grain ballpark will create enlarged pores and acne prone skin tissue damage. After washing, use a soft towel to dry.
Second way to avoid acne vulgaris, do not use cosmetics that are not prescribed by your doctor. Avoid make up that contains oil, grease or wax. You must be careful to use makeup, do not just interested because the price is cheap, make sure you buy makeup that is safe and has no side effects that can damage the skin
Third way to avoid acne vulgaris, avoid foods that can trigger levels of excess oil on the face. Foods to avoid are foods that contain much fat such as cheese, fried foods, milk and butter. The food will make more oil content. Fourth way to avoid acne vulgaris is avoid excessive activity outdoors because if more and more frequently exposed to the sun it will face increasingly sweaty and greasy. Besides, outdoor activities also made a face getting dirty because of dust and dirty air causes rapid facial acne.
Fifth way to avoid acne vulgaris, avoid the habit of staying up. Lack of rest can trigger stress hormone that causes increased prone. Rest sufficiently, because if the body is too tired then it will be susceptible to bacteria and viruses. Sixth way to avoid acne vulgaris, get used to a healthy lifestyle. Healthy lifestyle can be done by exercising and eating nutritious foods. Make sure you always of exercising every day even if only by running 5-10 minutes. Eat healthy foods like vegetables, fruits, proteins and carbohydrates in a balanced manner. Avoid junk food, because many contain flavoring and preservatives that can trigger acne.
If it acne vulgaris happens, you should immediately take action. One way is to consult a doctor and ask antibiotic for acne immediately reduced and no longer inflamed. In addition to medical treatment, you can use current natural medicine. One of the materials that you can use to treat acne vulgaris is the use of cucumbers, tomatoes, honey, aloe Vera, lemon and other natural ingredients. Natural materials are more effective than chemicals. However treatment with chemicals more quickly it works and heal acne whereas if you use a natural treatment, the acne will be cured with a long time.

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