Honey Benefits for Healthy Skin and Acne - All About Acne

Honey Benefits
Honey Benefits for Healthy Skin and acne
Honey Benefits for Healthy Skin and Acne - Honey, of course you are already familiar with the viscous liquid and has a sweet taste. Honey is produced by bees to have very many benefits to a wide variety of health problems. Honey has been believed since hundreds of years ago for use in health and traditional medicine and natural. In addition to the health of honey is also beneficial for beauty and also many other benefits generated by this honey.

Honey Benefits for Healthy Skin and Acne

There are some healthy habits that can be done every day with honey, for the health of honey can be mixed with warm water and consumed every morning, according to lifehack.com there are at least five benefits gained when consumed warm water mixed with honey is including the following:

Honey Benefits for Health
1.) Keep the digestive system
one of honey benefits it has properties keep the digestive system because it contains antiseptic in it so that it can help lessen the acidity in the stomach in addition, honey also can increase the production of mucus by intestinal. If you have problems with bowel movements, you can use a mixture of warm water with honey as a solution to keep your digestion.

2.) Increase the body's immune system
Honey is also believed to kill baketeri. Besides honey has benefits as an antioxidant that can overcome the harmful free radicals that may damage the body and skin. There are natural sugars in honey to nourish the body nand Suja is a good source of calories for the body.

3.) Increase Energy In The Morning
Because honey has various properties that are very good for the body, you can replace the coffee with a glass of warm water mixed with honey to start your activity in the morning.

4.) Helps Detoxification Process
The content of many substances that are beneficial in a glass of warm water and honey can help your body to get rid of toxins in the body. When your body is able to defecate regularly then poisons in the body can be removed. A mixture of warm water with honey and lemon juice can also be added to make the removal of toxins more effectively, as in the lemon contains citric acid that can help improve the function of the enzyme so that it can assist in the detoxification process in the body.

5.) Reduce irritation to the throat
In addition to the benefits of honey mixed with warm water according to the Mayo Clinic other can reduce pain and irritation in the throat. When honey, honey can relieve pain in the throat and warm water can relieve pain. When you feel pain cough can also take advantage of this honey.

The habit of mixing warm water with honey can be done on a regular basis to keep the body healthy despite intensive activity in the days that you pass through. In addition to a mixture of warm water and honey, Honey also has many other properties including good for skin beauty facial skin or body skin. Honey has some content such as antibacterial, antioxidant, vitamin B and vitamin C. The following is a skin beauty benefits of honey to your face and body:

Honey Benefits for Beauty Skin and Acne
1.) Protect Skin
Efficacy of honey is very well known that it can protect the skin. Honey contains antioxidants, anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties that can cure the rash, skin infections and heal wounds.

2.) Moisturize skin
To make your skin softer ssecara you can use honey regularly to soften the skin or hair in the dry state sekalipn. You can apply honey on the neck and face to soften your skin can even use other natural materials as a mixture.

3.) Preventing Aging Skin
Signs of aging can be dikurangai with honey, so that you will be seen to be younger because honey has benefits as free-radical scavengers. Even honey can be made into a toner by mixing it with some other natural materials. You do this by mixing two teaspoons of lemon, two senodk honey and mix in enough water then enter the mixture into a clean bottle further shake until evenly and you can use this toner pad generally. You can use a few drops of toner on a cotton swab and rubbed on the face that has been cleaned.

4.) Maintain Skin Beauty
In addition to use on the skin, you can also drink honey regularly as well. Honey contains magnesium, potassium and calcium can also help in the regeneration of skin cells so that the biscuits will look healthy and beautiful.

5.) Wound Healing Skin
With honey You can minimize the occurrence of infections and wounds. The essence of the sugar in honey can help speed up penyambuhan in wounds other than honey also contains anti-microbial.

6.) Clean Skin
Honey can be used as a skin cleanser because no enzyme content therein without reducing the content of the skin, a mixture of water and honey can produce a gentle antiseptic and can cleanse the skin.

In addition to the efficacy of honey in the health and beauty benefits of honey in the honey is also believed to be able to cope with acne. Today many are experiencing a wide range of acne inflamed pimples. You can use the following tips to overcome your acne:

Honey Benefits for Acne
1.) You can use a bit of honey and then applied to the skin of your face with acne and let stand for 15 minutes then rinse thoroughly. Efficacy of honey can kill acne because they contain honey has anti-bacterial and stain so that acne can be lifted.

2.) Using honey as a natural mask, other than directly applied on acne, you can also make honey as a mask, as reported by the healthmuntsta.hubpages.com a very easy way to smear honey on the entire surface of the face evenly and leave for 15-20 minutes for maduk honey can seep into the skin and can cure acne but it can moisten the back face. After allowed to stand and then wash with warm water.

Hopefully this article Honey for Health Benefits can provide useful information to readers of all. It is most important if you want to live a healthy life by implementing a healthy lifestyle and balanced for applying these conditions, the body can work optimally and also every organ of the body in a state of excellence. In addition to the above benefits-benefits of honey, there are many more benefits or other benefits that exist in honey as for the treatment of ulcer disease and many other diseases that can be cured premises using honey.

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