Best Treating Acne with Minerals and Vitamins - All About Acne

Best Treating Acne with Minerals and Vitamins

acne medicine
Acne Medicine
Acne is a common concern among adolescents and adults alike. No one is happy about looking in the mirror and seeing pimples and blackheads on their face glaring back at them. The ideal is to see a reflective smile along with a clear complexion and healthy glow in your cheeks.
In this article we will explore various vitamins and minerals to learn how they affect the health of your skin and hopefully help you break-free from unsightly blemishes and break-out into a beautiful radiant smile.
Certain Vitamins That Cure Acne
Certain vitamins help to treat mild to severe cases of acne in individuals. These vitamins can be obtained from multivitamin supplements but act best when obtained from natural resources like fresh vegetables and fruits.
Vitamin A
Found in abundant quantities in carrots, Vitamin A is one of the best natural cures for acne. Drinking a glass of carrot juice a day would help clear acne breakouts and prevent recurrences. Vitamin A contains anti oxidant properties that help get rid of the impurities that cause acne breakouts in the first place.
Vitamin A deficiency in the body has also been linked to severe acne breakouts in many cases. So make sure that you eat plenty of foods rich in Vitamin A on a regular basis. Common food choices you can opt for include fish oils, dairy products, sweet potatoes, bellpeppers, kale, spinach and Swiss chards etc.
Severe cases of acne can also be treated by treatments with retinoids that contain Vitamin A. In addition to keeping the pores clean, these treatments would help stimulate cell rejuvenation, thereby promoting the growth of new skin cells.
Like Chromium, Zinc is a powerful antioxidant and helps to reduce acne breakouts. The mineral also helps in skin cell rejuvenation and quick healing of acne scars. Individuals with low levels of zinc in their body usually suffer from acne breakouts. So replenishing the zinc levels in the body and maintaining a balanced level of the same can help fight off acne and the bacteria that causes it.Some of the more common natural sources of zinc include whole grains, mushrooms, oysters, wheat germs, dark chocolates, dried pumpkin, squash and watermelon seeds; meat, crabs, eggs and nuts etc. A per day dosage of 25-30 mg is recommended for individuals who suffer from regular acne breakouts.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is an antioxidant that improves the immune system and removes toxin from the body. Vitamin C also helps to eliminate free radicals that build up in our body over time. Free radicals destroy healthy cells and reduce the healing power of the body. Taking vitamin C will help you fight acne that are often caused by bacteria and reduce inflammation caused by acne.
Vitamin B Complex
The B complex vitamins (a group of eight nutrients including B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9 and B12) help convert carbohydrates, proteins and fats into energy, as well as assist in their digestion. By doing so, the B vitamins improve immunity, help build the nervous system and contribute to our overall health. Most notably, the full spectrum is needed on an ongoing basis to preserve the integrity of the skin, hair, eyes and liver. During acute flare-ups I have used a topical Vitamin B3 spray that can be helpful at decreasing inflammation. But, because the B vitamins work better as a group, supplements and foods containing all eight nutrients are more beneficial over the long term than those that contain just one or two.
Article Source : by jamesking

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