A Great Way To Improve The Result of Acne Treatment

When it comes to treating acne, the memory comes immediately requested that the first reception in one form or another express virtually all patients, and the essence of which boils down to this: "I want to get rid of acne as soon as possible - what would I do at any cost ".

A Great Way To Improve The Result of Acne Treatment
A Great Way To Improve The Result of Acne Treatment 
Despite his categorical, a resolute approach to the treatment process typically gives a remarkable effect: the rapid emergence of the first results of perfectly stimulates the patient to perform all made a doctor's appointment, and primarily due to the preservation and strengthening of motivation, which is in the process of excessively prolonged treatment of acne disappears.

But "normally" does not mean "always", and in some cases the result of the treatment is not so, as expected.

Why? To understand this, let's imagine a situation where everything you need to get the result seems to be done: to determine the severity of the disease, to monitor the healing process of acne and visual tracking of the changes made by high-quality photos, taking into account the individual patient matched effective therapeutic drugs, a scheme of application, and the patient punctually perform all made appointments.

It would seem appropriate treatment outcome is guaranteed, but in some cases, this reason does not happen: the treatment or does not bring the desired result, or gives very little effect.

Analysis of these cases allows us to derive some interesting patterns. For example, young people's lack of effect of treatment is rare, and the girls - much more often. Most of the guys in a few weeks of treatment the number of comedones and acne is reduced at times, and the girls, despite the regular use of keratolytics, the number of comedones somehow grows and the number of spots, and if reduced, then only slightly.

What is the reason?

The main reason for the low effectiveness of the treatment of acne, ceteris paribus is the regular use patients means of industrial production of skin care products: creams, nourishing masks and so on.

The fact that these tools, in addition to warp and claimed in the formulation of the active components of the target, and contain a certain amount of auxiliary substances: stabilizers, emulsifiers, preservatives, etc., having, in particular, a pronounced comedogenic action.. Getting on the thin, delicate skin, actively absorbency any components (namely, a facial skin becomes by the regular use of drugs for the treatment of acne), these substances are quickly absorbed and significantly enhance the processes komedonoobrazovaniya.

It is from the frequent use of such funds for skin care treatment of acne often appear paradoxical: despite the active use of keratolytics, the number of comedones increases, and inflammation of the skin is not possible to completely stop even with the combined use of anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory drugs.

At first glance, this problem is easily solved - to reduce the time and improve the efficiency of the treatment of acne simply excluded from the use of cosmetic products that contain comedogenic substances, and go to the so-called nekomedogennuyu cosmetics. Unfortunately, this is not so simple: the inscription "nekomedogenno" on the package with a cosmetic product has never been a guarantee of the absence in it comedogenic substances, and now trust her even less - given introduced in Russia last month a ban on cosmetic products certification.

So, for patients remains a fairly long and not the cheapest way of individual selection means for skin care (for example, in accordance with the recommendations described in the article How to choose cosmetics with acne? And O little helper in the treatment of acne.), Or the use of such facial skin care, in which the full and with the guarantee excludes its contact with comedogenic substances.

In modern conditions almost ideal way to care for problem skin is regular use of natural home masks. In fact, there is nothing better for nutrition and skin repair than home masks made from natural ingredients directly into the skin delivering natural vitamins, minerals, fruit acids, enzymes and so on.! And after such a mask, contrary to the widely held (not without intention) opinion, can and should be applied to the skin every day, and best results are achieved with regular alternation of them.

From what we can to prepare masks for care of skin prone to the appearance of comedones and acne? The choice is great: in the winter and spring are perfect for this cranberry, cranberry, and frozen berries; extremely useful for a variety of skin prokvashennye vegetables and fruits, as well as germinated grains; summer and fall for these purposes can be successfully used everything available to you a variety of herbs, flowers, berries, fruits and vegetables.

My dear reader! Be sure to try on a regular basis to apply natural mask for facial skin in the acne treatment, and do not forget at least from time to time to apply them to the skin after get rid of acne completely - and you'll be rewarded with a magnificent color, a velvety texture and a permanent skin freshness !

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