How to Get Rid of Large Acne for One or More Days?

How to get rid of  large acne for one or more days?
It so happened that their subscribers, I often get letters, the content of which boils down to the question "How to get rid of  large acne for one or more days?".
Indeed, the rapid disposal of large pryschey- problem is very urgent for many people, but at the same time it is a matter of a decision very difficult, and therefore even to summarize the key points of such treatment in a separate article, and the more writing is not possible.

However, there are simple, affordable, yet highly effective ways to deal with major acne at the initial stage of their appearance.
Today we will focus on just one of these ways to prevent the emergence of large spots.
But above all, let us remember, as a result, they usually appear?
As a rule, everything happens like this: having surveyed the evening my face in the mirror and did not find it at the new spots, you quietly go to sleep. And during the morning inspection suddenly you notice that during the night on the skin appeared one or more new small pimples.
Wanting to get rid of them, you are trying to squeeze them. With a few pimples, this procedure is quite successful, and manage their content removed without serious consequences.

But one or two pimple to clean so it is impossible, even though you and apply to this considerable effort and considerable ingenuity: push them from different angles and at different angles, trying to pierce the hated acne anything ostrym- all wasted.
A few minutes after the execution pimples begin to throb like, then there are soreness, swelling, and each "nedodavlenny" spot increases in size before our eyes.
As a result of the small imperceptible red spot is formed by the evening very conspicuous spot, which will be a long time to mature and leave behind a noticeable stain on the skin or scar.
What do you think, my dear reader, whether it was necessary to create such a problem.
Of course not- especially considering the fact that inflammation in the early stages just wonderful to respond to anti-inflammatory treatment, under the influence of which their growth is stopped first, and then completely dissolve acne.
Therefore, in the initial stage of acne is wiser to focus its efforts on creating conditions for the fastest possible termination of the inflammatory process.

How to do it?

Read Also : How to Get Rid Of Acne Naturally?

You can successfully be used to stop the growth of acne fast physiotherapy (eg darsonvalizat
ion), specialized anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs, with both individually and in various combinations.
However, the best results are obtained from a combination of physiotherapy and specialized products, so I
would recommend for a quick stop acne growth is to use such a combination.

And some more advice.

Do not use for local effects on inflammatory agent containing as an active ingredient triklozan- its effectiveness is negligible. All sorts of "pencils" with herbal extracts, tea tree oil, and the like "highly effective" ingredients you also will not work.

If you are a long time (particularly irregularly) was used to treat acne preparations containing antibiotics effective for the impact on local inflammation appearing using means which do not contain antibiotics at all, for example, preparations based on benzoyl peroxide.

And please do not try to warm up the emerging pimples hot compresses or steam vannami- inflammatory response of such effects will only intensify.

So, the key points of the proposed method of preventing the emergence of large spots marked.
I'm sure you'll appreciate its simplicity and effectiveness.

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