Acne from Halide Products and Their Treatment.

Mid-November - while, of course, very interesting: sensing the approach of, on the one hand, the New Year's holidays, and on the other - a flu epidemic, the most forward-looking young men and women are beginning to take an interest in not only the practical aspects of the treatment of acne, but in general health promotion.

Unfortunately, it is in all respects a laudable aspiration often gives the opposite effect, resulting, inter alia, to the mass appearance of skin blemishes such as a medicated acne.

Acne from Halide Products and Their Treatment.
Acne Treatment Illustration
How can it be?

The fact is that the strengthening of their own health, most Russians holding their own - without bothering to consult a doctor; choice of recovery method occurs most often under the influence of popular literature or television advertising, and its implementation depends also on the degree of reading comprehension, seen, heard.

For such a "recovery" is characterized by self-appointment to himself various drugs, as well as the use of so-called "health" techniques.

It is not surprising that the recent relatively rare under normal conditions of acne forms began to appear significantly more often baffled young doctors and their patients for its resistance to treatment.

Take, for example, halogen spots, which stimulated the emergence of long-term use of common pharmaceutical preparations as the halogens bromine and iodine compounds.

One can only wonder the number of cases where people suddenly start on their own initiative to take a long time inside various preparations of iodine and bromine in the hope that it will benefit their health.

For example, some are inside a water-alcohol solution of iodine in order to "clean vessels", others suddenly start to take various iodine preparations to stimulate efficiency or protection against radiation, and others are addicted to drugs bromine to calm the nervous system ...

Fortunately, a large part of people the consequences of such acceptance of halogens on the skin does not appear, but the rest, unfortunately, after some time all over the body there is a large amount of inflammation, looks very similar to ordinary acne.

And what is interesting: normal Propafenone halogens cumulative effect leads to the fact that even after the cancellation of their admission spots continue to appear for a long time, hard succumbing to conventional treatment - mainly because few can relate the appearance of skin inflammation with a long introducing into the organism of iodine or bromine compounds.

Therefore, if you, my dear reader, there is a suspicion that the pimples have appeared because of the use of bromine compounds or iodine, that prior to any treatment it is advisable to follow a few simple guidelines.

The first thing to do - is to completely eliminate from your diet products containing bromine and iodine, as well as all foods rich in iodine (kelp, and so on.).

After this, as rapidly as possible to bring the body from excess halogens.

How to do it?

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For this purpose, a perfect antidote to a common ten percent solution of sodium thiosulfate, which is taken orally 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day; it can also be taken in 1 gram of powder 2 times a day after meals.

It is also advisable to increase the intake of sodium chloride (table salt) to 20-30 grams per day (in the form of pickles, sauerkraut, just prisalivaya food and so forth.) - Always provided that fluid intake, as is ideal alkaline mineral water.

Under these conditions for 1-2 weeks practically all excess displayed In the body of free bromine or iodine, and spots begin to fade.

So if in your case the acne appeared after a prolonged ingestion of iodine-containing products, the drug is bromine or iodine, try to follow the recommendations listed above.

And be healthy and beautiful!

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